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BGCA By-Laws Revision

We are looking forward to our annual meeting and hoping we can be in person as well as online. One of the key items to be discussed and voted on will be the revised by-laws. We are emailing as well as sending hard copies to each of our churches.

A subcommittee of the BGCA board was tasked with revising the 2018 document. The BGCA board has approved the draft and are now seeking your feedback.  The board felt it was important to review the 2018 By-Laws to ensure we function as we are supposed to. During that process it was noted that the 2018 By-Laws were never registered with the province. The new requirement of the Societies Acts stipulates that we have only by-laws, not a constitution and by-laws. As a result, a Governance Subcommittee was struck to undertake this task.

Copies of the current 2018 Constitution and By-Laws and the draft 2022 By-Laws have been sent to the leadership of your local BGCA Church.  If you are interested in receiving a copy of these documents, please contact one of your pastors or a church board member.  

We have scheduled a Zoom meeting to provide a forum for your questions and suggestions.

Zoom By-Law Meeting – Tuesday, May 31 @ 7-8:30 pm – Click Here To Register

The 2022 draft by-laws are a reorganization of previous by-laws with some clarification and refinement. 

Please feel free to contact Peter Gamache ( or 780 720 4346) or one of the subcommittee with your comments and questions.

Categories: Bgca Board News , Governance